Giving Back

Getting Back to our Roots

It is my goal to get back to our “roots” this year, like we once did when I first opened A Night in Bloom. In the early days while my little business was still growing, I worked diligently at creating contests such as “The Bloomie Awards,” where everyone could vote for their favorite wedding and the winning couple would win a Visa Gift Card and the charity of their choice would also receive the same amount. We did crazy things like host a Sinterklaas Crowns and Branches Workshop in our studio after a week of weddings, meetings, and sick kids. I would drive around donating left over wedding flowers to different charities and not for profits. I would say yes to every one who asked for a donation, without question. Before I knew it my little business grew and grew to the point where I could barely keep up! So sadly, a lot of the time I used to devote to giving back was spent trying to keep my clients happy and keeping my business going.

Want Flower Donations?

In hopes of staying a little more organized and being able to make the most impact, I have decided that the best way to do this is by having all potential organizations and charities hoping for floral donations contact me in advance so that I can make a very educated annual decision about which organizations my business will be able to support and why. I would rather go very strong in one or two areas than make a very watered down attempt at helping many organizations with very little impact. If you are interested in working together, please fill out the survey below. I am hoping to have all surveys collected by October, follow up meetings will happen in November, and final decisions will be made over the holidays.

2019’s Pick

For 2019 I have made the decision to support Miller Middle School here in Kingston NY almost exclusively. This school has made headlines recently and I feel that the teachers, staff and students there could really benefit from our help! I truly feel that the presence of flowers would be extremely beneficial to this school. For starters we donated two large potted Mums to spruce up the entry a little in the fall and this month we are donating more than 400 Carnations to the school for their upcoming Valentine’s Day festivities. I am also working on ways that we can perhaps volunteer our services to the students there after school. If any of you like minded, flower loving readers would like to help me with my efforts, I would welcome you with open (pollen filled) arms!


I wish I had taken more photos of the flowers and activities A Night in Bloom has volunteered with and donated to! If any of you have some please send them our way! Here are a few for now from left to right, The Lonely Bouquet Project. Photo by Surprise Photography. The Sinterklaas workshop, the Sparrow’s Nest Fundraiser….